If you've already read our previous article on bugles, you've now learned of their unique use in the military and why they were so important. Fast forward to the present and check out this video of one of the 2019 Drum Corps International championships.
This is where our history of the bugle arrives. To help catch us up on how we got from a valveless military brass instrument of the past to the competition field with trumpets today, I interviewed longtime colleague, friend, Ryan Adamsons. After competing in DCI for years, Ryan has gone on write for and assist in training some of the best DCI groups on the field in the United states.
So Ryan, from your research and experience over the years, how has the definition of a bugle changed over the years? Or has it?
Now that we've arrived in our history at DCI, watch the video performance again. We know from military, that the bugles were used for communicating other soldiers and armies on the field or at camp, and that they served specific functions in the daily lives of these soldiers.
Looking at both styles of bugle performance, which would you prefer? The bugle calls of the military that communicated to other soldiers, or the competion on the DCI field? Why?
As technology and function change, can you think of other objects or products in our cultrue that were used for one fuction years ago, but something different now? For instance, Coca-Cola used to be promoted as medical aid in 1885 by it's pharmacist creator, John Pemberton. Today, it is a delicious treat that many doctors warn against drinking too much of! Ask your parents or grandparents for more examples too!