Music reviews are the best! You get to gush over your favorite, or not so favorite music, and you choose what is right or wrong about the music. There are many different types of music reviews you can create. In this assignment we focus in on the music you understand. Denis Wick Artist Chris Bill understand trombone performance, compositions, recording... he does it all. Check out this review he does on trombone recordings. He's listening to new music, but he understands the process and what the musicians are doing so his review focuses on his reactions and narration to what he hears going on.
Try this out for your self. Find 3 recordings that are new but a type of music you are really familiar with. It could be the instrument you play, a style of music that you are very familiar with, or even an artist that you have been listening to for years.
1. Listen to all the music you are going to discuss
2. Take notes on what you are hearing and the thoughts and inspirations that come to mind as you listen.
-what do you hear that is a classic example of your subject?
-what do you hear that is new and surprising?
-how do the tracks differ/how are they the same?
what other questions or thoughts can you come up with?
3. Recording time! This review depends on your reactions, so have fun! React and narrate what you are hearing in real time, and use the notes you took to insert thoughtful points about what is happening.
Even though the subject of your listening is familiar, you might hear something new, or want to do a little background research to help support what you will talk about. You may want to pull in a friend or fellow expert to disucss one the tracks with you like Chris Bill did. Keep it creative and have fun!